This web site is dedicated to the memory of Peter Edmund Knox, husband,
son, father, father-in-law, grandfather, brother, cousin, uncle and above
all "friend". This is the story of his life and those who loved him.left:
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On the Left: Gertrude Coore - 1900's
Center: - Father of Sir Errol Knox and grandfather to
Peter Knox, Pamela (Knox)
O'Connor and Patricia Steele
On the Right in order from left to right: Ivy Jasmine Gwendoline ,
Errol Aubrey Galbraith and Joseph Milton Hosking |
So what, you may say! Everyone has web sites these
days and this is just one more - even if it is a Knox one and our particular
Knox one - but come and have a look. Jane and Ed have done a great job
setting it up and it is a way for all of us to come to know each other
better wherever we are in the world. It is also a marvelous opportunity
to find out more about where we come from and those who went before. So
welcome and to use a bad pun Well Come!
My excuse for writing this introduction is that I am now one of the “elders”
of the clan and my roots are firmly Australian as are the roots of our
branch. (Can roots have a branch?) . The name however is not an uncommon
one and there are many families of this name in Australia as, indeed,
there are throughout the world. Ours, however, is a comparatively small
group and we are not, as far as I know directly related to the others
though undoubtedly if one went back far enough connections could be made.
To find out more about the origins of the name, I consulted the Penguin
Dictionary of Surnames. It says that Knox is the family name of the Earls
of Ranfurley but offers no other explanation of its derivation. . It was
certainly made famous by the religious reformer John Knox and that has
particular relevance for us as one of my father’s brothers was named
John Calvin Knox in his honor, for my grandparents came from strong committed
Presbyterian stock.
I have always understood that the family came from Scotland and, like
so many Scots migrated to Northern Ireland, where they lived for 2-300
years. Certainly my grandfather gave County Tyrone as his place of birth
but all this is very vague. Forced as I am now to commit my knowledge
to print, I have to confess that I have not followed the family trail
back further than my immediate grandparents and even that is hazy as both
my grandparents were dead long before I was born and my contact with the
uncles and aunts ceased except for a few letters when we moved to Melbourne
when I was 10. Therefore I can only share with you my limited memories
and hope someone else will take up the genealogical challenge.
It would certainly be great if anyone has done any real research into
this area and could share it with us. Isn’t that what web sites of
this nature are supposed to be about? However they are also about the
present for as T.S. Eliot said so well
Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future,
And time future contained in time past.
I’m certainly looking forward to the future of getting to know and
meet you all
Pam (Knox) O‘Connor Mount Gambier, South Australia. |
As an Australian Knox, my interest is in the first of the family to come
to this country and in their experiences here. Unfortunately (this is
becoming repetitious) we have little concrete information to go on besides
names on official documents such as birth, marriage and death certificates.
Therefore because, as far as I know no letters, diaries or any other written
or even oral accounts exist, we have to go to historians and historical
fiction to flesh out and lend color to these dry facts.
As I said earlier, both my Knox grandparents were dead long before I was
born and my father talked little about them. This, in some ways, is not
surprising for, during much of my life, my father was working on morning
newspapers, which meant that I saw comparatively little of him. It is
of course now a matter of great regret that we therefore have so few first
hand stories and the ones that I do remember I cannot substantiate so
whether they are legend or reality I do not know and I pass them on with
this proviso. They will appear under a separate heading as Tales My Father
Told Me!
Unfortunately my memories of my father’s brothers and sisters are
also limited. The Knox family had been disappointed about my father’s
marriage to an Englishwoman and one who was also a Catholic for religious
divides were deep in the beginning of the 20th century.