Errol Knox | Obituary | Biography | A Daughters Memory

Sir Errol Knox - October 20 1949

Tribute by Sir Keith Murdoch

Sir Keith Murdoch, chairman of directors of The Herald and Weekly Times Ltd, pays this tribute in today’s issue of the Sun News-Pictorial:

“For 27 years Sir Errol Knox was prominent in newspaper editorial and managerial councils. We are a small circle. Our work is intense and highly competitive, and we do not group easily. But none of us had other than admiration for Bill Knox’s stout fighting for his newspaper and his shrewdness and fair play.

“He brought The Argus to financial strength from a position of collapse, and I do not know anyone else in Australia who could have done it. This was due to his masterly technical capacities and qualities of character and industry, which were outstanding.

“His colleagues in the industry will always remember a vivid personality, generous and loyal, and join their sorrow to that of Lady Knox and the children.”

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